
Loh Mai Kai - Steamed Glutinous Chicken RIce

I have made this Loh Mai Kai for 2nd time and the 1st was failed, without giving up I tried 2nd time immediately the following day. YEAH, I have successfully made this super more steps and complicated recipe for this loh mai kai. My daughter whacked the whole loh mai kai and of course this is one of her favorites dim sum. 

( i will attach recipe once i'm not lazy yea.. stay tuned for the recipe or remind me my chat box!)


Hubby's Dive Center - Marine Monkees Sdn Bhd

Hubby quit the corporate world since June 2010, and he open his very own company and officially open on October 2010. What's he is doing for his company? What else, Dive Center, and this dive center newly open at Taman Connaught, Cheras (next to KFC).Sales is up to 30%... feel free to call them @ 03-91004319 or you may visit their website www.marinemonkees.com

Hubby is now a full time PADI dive instructor. Intend to sign up any open water course with him? Don't wait, call him! Instructor Tristan Low @ 012-2113119


Minced Pork and Potatoes Curry Puff

Just make this curry puff and keeping this recipe for almost 1 year... Got this recipe from my mother in law's friend when she visited to our house. Interested to have this recipe? yeah.. I'm gonna share this recipe with you if you intend to make for your loves one... and today, I have make few and keep some for Hubby as he is away to Pulau Weh for his dive trip! Sure he will loves this curry puff,...

(the outcome supposed a crispy layer puff, but I accidentally added all ingredients and margarine pastry in a same dough, and surprisingly outcome is excellent good)

Ingredients A: (crispy skin)
300gm   Medium Flour 
1           Egg
5 oz      Cold Water
1 tbsp   Butter
pinch of salt
200gm  pastry margarine

Ingredients B: (filling)
250gm   minced meat
500gm   potatoes (cut into cube)
5tbsp     curry powder ( i use England curry powder)
some curry leaves
salt to taste
1/2 tsb   sugar


吃饱晚餐不久,突然很想吃KFC, 望一下老公,而他也望了一下我!然后问我,又不懂想要吃什么了?嘻嘻,老公尽然知道我在想什么!他叫我赶快去冲凉啦!不然不带你去吃KFC。我高兴得不得了!冲了凉之后,就带了两个宝贝一起吃宵夜去!我们order了两碟dinner plate, 总共有六块炸鸡, 老公两块,女儿两块,儿子一块,有没有搞错?我才有一块罢了?!很不爽咯!因为是我说craving for KFC的!没有变啦!暗垂!回到家,告诉老公,我很没有瘾咯!老公就笑我说,你不早讲?睡觉啦,不要想这么多啦!ok咯!睡咯!

第二天,老公晚上特别迟回家,9pm了,autogate “tak" 了一声,我快快站在门口等他下车(我每天都是同样动作)咦?为什么今天的老公下车特别慢的?为什么手很像拿着很特别的东西的?问他拿着什么咚咚?然后他说:”呐!你看我几疼你!昨晚你说不过瘾, 现在我买了9 块KFC给你” 我,我,实在太感动了!没有想到老公尽然很在意我吃得不过瘾!9 快又太多了!我们吃剩2块鸡肉!怎么办呢?嘻嘻!告诉老公,留起来明天弄salad吧!因为老公超爱吃 salad 的!老公问:可以的咩?我就告诉他,可以的啦!那天晚上弄了一大盘的salad,连两个宝贝也爱吃!首先,我将两块KFC去烘香它!然后,把它切一长块,加了油麦菜,小番茄,鸡蛋,罐头玉粟蜀,然后thousand island 是不能没有的!之后,老公很想吃得很不够地说,下次KFC买多两块,然后可以弄salad! 哈哈!他上瘾了!!


这就是leftover KFC salad!

Blue Glutinous Rice Kueh - Pulut Tai Tai

This kuih tai tai is specially for my little darling gal. Once she requested, I will try my best to make this kueh for her and special homemade pandan kaya is a must for her.


High Fever Part IV

After Ashley's and myself fully recovered past 2 days.. and now the virus attacked my hubby... he was very ill this round, fever for 3 days and this morning he went to clinic, nothing else, attacked by the same virus from us. But this time, Doctor requested him to wear mask and avoid stay near with kids and me. All of us dare not to talk to him, near him, and share our foods, I have to divided all and place a public chopstick on the table this time. Wish he get well soon.

I'm a bit worried about him because tonight hubby has organized a steamboat party in his own office for all his divers student. I have prepared everything, and perhaps tonight he is getting better... God bless...