
Ian @ 22 months

see, while Ian sick, he still very active and his mouth non-stop (a big eater)

BIG eater, are you sure, how come still so skinny? Where the food has gone leh? I also dont know. (wasting mommy's money)

Mommy, I'm just too active & good exercise so the foods digest very fast. Next time, cook more porridge la, one bowl of porridge & a bottle of milk is not enough for me la !!!

Guess what, Ian still can't talk, and he is very slow! He can only understand what we talking about.He only knows how to say "Daddy, mama, jie jie, gong-gong, po-po, yi yi, kor-kor, ye-ye, ma-ma". other than that, he don't know how to pronounce. Ahh, the best part is, he knows how to scold people. When my FIL or MIL scold him, he will says :" ye-ye / ma-ma SAM PAT (3 8)"(and then he will use his eye to stared at them without smiling)

We taught, bitted, and scolded him many times, don't scold people that, and it is very no courtesy, people will think of Daddy & Mommy teach one!! I'm very embrassing while he scold the word!

Teach me, how to overcome this problem?

1 comment:

  1. Dun worry too much abt his speech progress..each child prgress differently and boys tends to be a little slower..

    for the "3 8"..err.. he must have heard it somewhere..so be careful what he watches on TV. Children are like sponge..absorb very fast.
